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Working with Sources
Instant Access
Second EditionNew Edition Available Diana Hacker; Nancy Sommers
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Responsible research writing takes practice.
With more than 55 exercise sets and specific feedback for each one, Working with Sources gives you the practice you need to become a stronger research writer and to succeed in your college career.
Read online (or offline) with all the highlighting and notetaking tools you need to be successful in this course.
Learn MoreTable of Contents
Research questions
Thesis statements in MLA papers
Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers
Recognizing common knowledge in MLA papers
Integrating sources in MLA papers
MLA documentation: in-text citations
MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources
MLA documentation: works cited
MLA documentation
Thesis statements in APA papers
Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers
Recognizing common knowledge in APA papers
Integrating sources in APA papers
APA documentation: in-text citations
APA documentation: identifying elements of sources
APA documentation: reference list
APA documentation
Chicago (CMS)
Thesis statements in Chicago (CMS) papers
Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago (CMS) papers
Recognizing common knowledge in Chicago (CMS) papers
Integrating sources in Chicago (CMS) papers
Chicago (CMS) documentation: identifying elements of sources
Chicago (CMS) documentation: notes
Chicago (CMS) documentation: bibliography
Chicago (CMS) documentation
Answers to Exercises