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The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics
Fifth EditionLayth C. Alwan; Bruce A. Craig; George P. McCabe
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What is Statistics? And why does it matter?
Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, and interpreting numerical facts, which we call data.
We are bombarded by data in our everyday lives. The
news mentions movie box-office sales, the latest poll of the president’s popularity, and the average high temperature for today’s date. Advertisements claim that data show the superiority of the advertiser’s product. All sides in public debates about economics, education, and social policy argue from data. A knowledge of statistics helps separate sense from nonsense in this flood of data.
The goal is to learn from data, and in this book you’ll see data from a variety of different areas. Soon enough you’ll be asking yourself “what does the data tell me?”
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Data Set files needed to complete exercises and examples in the book can be downloaded from the open-access student companion website. Data Sets are available in Excel, CSV, Minitab, R, JMP, TI, SPSS, PC-Text, and Mac-Text formats.
CHAPTER 1 Examining Distributions
CHAPTER 2 Examining Relationships
CHAPTER 3 Producing Data
CHAPTER 4 Probability: The Study of Randomness
CHAPTER 5 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
CHAPTER 6 Sampling Distributions
CHAPTER 7 Introduction to Inference
CHAPTER 8 Inference for Means
CHAPTER 9 One-Way Analysis of Variance
CHAPTER 10 Inference for Proportions
CHAPTER 11 Inference for Categorical Data
CHAPTER 12 Inference for Regression
CHAPTER 13 Multiple Regression
CHAPTER 14 Time Series Forecasting
The Core book includes Chapters 1 – 14 . Chapters 15 – 18 are individual optional Companion Chapters and can be found on the Student Site.
CHAPTER 15 Statistics for Quality: Control and Capability
CHAPTER 16 Two-Way Analysis of Variance
CHAPTER 17 Nonparametric Tests
CHAPTER 18 Logistic Regression