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The Critical Tradition: Shorter Edition
Third EditionDavid H. Richter
Read and study old-school with our bound texts.
From Plato through today, this compact and portable literary anthology helps you learn literary theory and criticism. Critical Tradition: Shorter Edition is an affordable collection of major documents, chronologically arranged, which familiarizes you with the broad range of literary criticism.
Table of Contents
PREFACEINTRODUCTIONPart One_____________________________________________________CLASSIC TEXTS IN LITERARY CRITICISMPlatoRepublic, Book XIonAristotleFrom PoeticsHoraceThe Art of PoetryLonginusOn the SublimeDante AlighieriFrom Letter to Can Grande della ScalaChristine de PisanFrom La Querelle de la RoseSir Philip SidneyAn Apology for PoetryAphra BehnAn Epistle to the Reader from The Dutch LoverAlexander PopeAn Essay on CriticismSamuel JohnsonThe Rambler, No. 4Rasselas, Chapter 10Immanuel KantFrom Critique of JudgmentMary WollstonecraftFrom A Vindication of the Rights of WomanWilliam WordsworthPreface to Lyrical BalladsSamuel Taylor ColeridgeFrom Biographia LiterariaPercy Bysshe ShelleyA Defence of Poetry
Karl MarxThe Alienation of Labor from Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844Consciousness Derived from Material Conditions from The German IdeologyOn Greek Art in Its Time from A Contribution to the Critique of Political EconomyMatthew ArnoldThe Function of Criticism at the Present TimeFriedrich NietzscheFrom The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of MusicHenry JamesThe Art of FictionSigmund Freud[Creative Writers and Daydreaming]Medusa’s HeadT. S. Eliot Tradition and the Individual TalentCarl Gustav Jung The Principal ArchetypesW. E. B. Du Bois [On Double Consciousness] from The Souls of Black FolkCriteria of Negro ArtMikhail Bakhtin The Topic of the Speaking Person from Discourse in the NovelHeteroglossia in the Novel from Discourse in the NovelFrom Problems in Dostoevsky’s PoeticsVirginia Woolf [Shakespeares Sister] from A Room of One’s Own [Austen – Brontë – Eliot] from A Room of One’s Own [The Androgynous Vision] from A Room of One’s Own Kenneth Burke Literature as Equipment for LivingSimone de Beauvoir Myths: Of Women in Five Authors Susan Sontag Against Interpretation Part Two______________________________________________________ CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN LITERARY CRITICISM1. Formalisms: Russian Formalism, New Criticism, Neo-AristotelianismVictor Shklovsky Art as TechniqueVladimir Propp [Fairy Tale Transformations]Cleanth Brooks Irony as a Principle of StructureR. S. CraneFrom The Critical Monism of Cleanth BrooksW. K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley The Intentional Fallacy 2. Structuralism and DeconstructionFERDINAND DE SAUSSURE Nature of the Linguistic Sign [Binary Oppositions] Claude Lévi-Strauss The Structural Study of MythRoland Barthes From Work to TextThe Death of the AuthorMichel FoucaultWhat Is an Author?Jacques Derrida Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences3. Reader Response Theory Hans Robert Jauss [The Three Horizons for Reading] from Toward and Aesthetics of ReceptionWayne C. Booth Control of Distance in Jane Austen’s EmmaWolfgang Iser The Reading Process: A Phenomenological ApproachStanley Fish How to Recognize a Poem When You See OneJudith Fetterley Introduction to The Resisting ReaderLisa Zunshine Theory of Mind and Experimental Representations of Fictional Consciousness 4. Psychoanalytic Theory and CriticismJacques Lacan The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic ExperienceThe Meaning of the PhallusPeter Brooks Freuds MasterplotLaura Mulvey Visual Pleasure and Narrative CinemaSlavoj ŽižekCourtly Love, or, Woman as Thing 5. Marxist CriticismWalter Benjamin The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical ReproductionMax Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception from Dialectic of EnlightenmentLouis Althusser From Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses Raymond Williams From Marxism and LiteratureFredric Jameson From The Political Unconscious 6. New Historicism and Cultural StudiesHayden WhiteThe Historical Text as Literary ArtifactPierre Bourdieu From Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of TasteStuart HallCultural Studies: Two ParadigmsNancy ArmstrongSome Call It Fiction: On the Politics of Domesticity Stephen Greenblatt Introduction to The Power of Forms in the English RenaissanceKing Lear and Harsnetts "Devil-Fiction" John GuilloryFrom Cultural Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon Formation7. Feminist CriticismNina Baym Melodramas of Beset ManhoodSandra M. Gilbert and Susan GubarFrom Infection in the Sentence: The Woman Writer and the Anxiety of AuthorshipAnnette Kolodny Dancing Through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice, and Politics of a Feminist Literary CriticismJulia KristevaWomen’s TimeBarbara Smith Toward a Black Feminist Criticism8. Gender Studies and Queer TheoryMichel Foucault From The History of SexualityMonique WittigOne Is Not Born a WomanHélène Cixous The Laugh of the MedusaGayle RubinFrom The Traffic in Women: Notes on the "Political Economy" of SexEve Kosofsky Sedgwick From Between MenFrom Epistemology of the ClosetJudith Butler Imitation and Gender Insubordination9. Postcolonialism and Ethnic StudiesEdward W. Said From the Introduction to OrientalismBenedict AndersonThe Origins of National ConsciousnessGayatri Chakravorty SpivakThree Women’s Texts and a Critique of ImperialismGloria AnzalduaLa conciencia de la mestiza: Towards a New ConsciousnessBarbara ChristianThe Race for TheoryHomi K. BhabhaSigns Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authority under a Tree Outside Delhi, May 1817Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Writing, "Race," and the Difference It MakesRey ChowThe Interruption of Referentiality: Poststructuralism and the Conundrum of Critical MulticulturalismALTERNATIVE CONTENTSINDEX