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Bringing to life the experience of everyday Romans, Street Life in Renaissance Rome focuses on the daily life in Renasissance Rome. Using primary documents and illustrations, the era comes alive from the ground up, focusing on the periods impact on ordinary citizens, the plight of social outcasts, and the dangers of urban life.
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17. Francisco Delicado, La Lozana Andaluza, 1528
18. Benvenuto Cellini, The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, 1566
19. Pietro Aretino, Aretinos Dialogues, 1536
5. Reformation Voices
20. Alfonso de Valdes, Dialogue of Lactancio and an Archdeacon, with a rebuttal letter from Baltasar Castiglione, 1528
21. Desiderius Erasmus, Julius Excluded from Heaven: A Dialogue, 1514 and Selections from Letters, 1514-1531
22. Martin Luther, Table Talk, ca. 1525-39
23. Caspar Schoppe, Letter to Conrad Rittershausen on Giordano Bruno, February 8, 1600
Appendixes A Chronology of Renaissance Rome Questions for Consideration Selected Bibliography Index