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Learning and Memory
Fourth EditionMark A. Gluck; Eduardo Mercado; Catherine E. Myers
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The new edition again offers the book’s signature inclusion of human and non-human studies and full-color design and images. You’ll find even more meaningful real-life examples; new coverage of learning and memory research and brain-imaging; an expanded discussion of the role of genetics in producing individual differences; new material on the role of sleep in memory, and more.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
Introductory Module
CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Themes in the Psychology of Learning and Memory
CHAPTER 2 The Neuroscience of Learning and Memory
Learning Module
CHAPTER 3 Habituation, Sensitization, and Familiarization:
Learning About Repeated Events
CHAPTER 4 Classical Conditioning:
Learning to Predict Significant Events
CHAPTER 5 Operant Conditioning:
Learning the Outcome of Behaviors
CHAPTER 6 Generalization, Discrimination Learning, and Concept Formation
Memory Module
CHAPTER 7 Episodic and Semantic Memory:
Memory for Events and for Facts
CHAPTER 8 Skill Memory:
Learning by Doing
CHAPTER 9 Working Memory and Cognitive Control
Integrative Topics Module
CHAPTER 10 Emotional Influences on Learning and Memory
CHAPTER 11 Social Learning and Memory:
Observing, Interacting, and Reenacting
CHAPTER 12 Development and Aging:
Learning and Memory Across the Lifespan
Glossary G-1
References R-1
Name Index NI-1
Subject Index SI-1