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Introductory Statistics: A Problem-Solving Approach
Third EditionStephen Kokoska
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In almost every occupation and in ordinary daily life, you will have to make data-driven decisions and inferences, as well as assess risk. In addition, you must be able to translate complex problems into manageable pieces, recognize patterns, and, most importantly, solve problems. With a generous collection and variety of exercises there’s ample opportunity for practice and review in a variety of contexts. This text will help you develop the fundamental lifelong skill of solving problems and interpreting solutions in real-world terms.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
Data Set files needed to complete exercises and examples in the book can be downloaded from the open-access student companion website. Data Sets are available in Excel, CSV, Minitab, R, JMP, TI, SPSS, PC-Text, and Mac-Text formats.
Chapter 0 Why Study Statistics
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Inference
Chapter 2 Tables and Graphs for Summarizing Data
Chapter 3 Numerical Summary Measures
Chapter 4 Probability
Chapter 5 Random Variables and Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter 6 Continuous Probability Distributions
Chapter 7 Sampling Distributions
Chapter 8 Confidence Intervals Based on a Single Sample
Chapter 9 Hypothesis Tests Based on a Single Sample
Chapter 10 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests Based on Two Samples or Treatments
Chapter 11 The Analysis of Variance
Chapter 12 Correlation and Linear Regression
Chapter 13 Categorical Data and Frequency Tables
Chapter 14 Nonparametric Statistics
Optional Sections
(available online at macmillanlearning.com/introstats3e):
Section 6.5 The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution
Section 12.6 The Polynomial and Qualitative Predictor Models
Section 12.7 Model Selection Procedures