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Introducing Psychology
Sixth EditionDaniel Schacter; Daniel Gilbert; Daniel Wegner; Matthew Nock
Come to class prepared with quizzing and an e-book.
Online course materials that will help you in this class. Includes access to e-book and iClicker Student.
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This package includes Paperback and Read & Practice.
This package includes Loose-Leaf and Read & Practice.
This package includes Achieve and Paperback.
Schacter, Gilbert, and Nock’s introductory text transforms psychology from a course you take to a subject you love, with fascinating stories and examples, and engaging interactive learning via Macmillan’s course platform, Achieve,
Read & Practice
Achieve Read & Practice is the marriage of our LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and our mobile, accessible e-book, in one easy-to-use and affordable product.
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Achieve is a single, easy-to-use platform proven to engage students for better course outcomes
Learn MoreTable of Contents
Chapter 1: The Evolution of Psychological Science
Chapter 2: Methods in Psychology
Chapter 3: Neuroscience and Behavior
Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception
Chapter 5: Consciousness
Chapter 6: Memory
Chapter 7: Learning
Chapter 8: Emotion and Motivation
Chapter 9: Language, Thought, and Intelligence
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Personality
Chapter 12: Social Psychology
Chapter 13: Stress and Health
Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders
Chapter 15: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Essentials of Statistics for Psychological Science
Name Index
Subject Index