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English plans for the colonization of North America, 1580-1640.
Through a collection of documents and a revised introduction that incorporates updates in scholarship over the past two decades, particularly on the north and environmental history, Peter C. Mancall gives you a glimpse of the time when the possibility of colonizing North America was anything but certain. Pamphlets, accounts, and engravings from the late sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century capture the process of English colonization from its origins in promotional propaganda to its realization on the shores of North America. An updated chronology and bibliography, along with new Questions for Consideration, will serve to further aid your understanding of this compelling topic.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
Introduction: English Promotion and Settlement of the Americas
Early European Settlements in the Western Hemisphere
Early Influences on English Colonization Efforts
The English Colonization of Ireland
Domestic Influences on Early English Plans for Colonizing North America
The Emergence of English America, 1588–1620
The Expansion of English Colonization, 1620–1640
The Documents
1. Richard Hakluyt (the elder), Inducements to the Liking of the Voyage Intended towards Virginia in 40. and 42. Degrees, 1585
2. Richard Hakluyt (the younger), Discourse of Western Planting, 1584
3. George Peckham, A True Reporte of the Late Discoveries ...
by . . . Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 1583
4. Thomas Harriot, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found
Land of Virginia, 1590
Illustration section: Selections from Theodore de Brys engravings
of John Whites True Pictures and Fashions of the
People in That Parte of America Now Called Virginia, 1585
5. Sir Walter Ralegh, Of the Voyage for Guiana, 1596?
6. George Percy, A Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colonie in Virginia, 1606-1607
7. Anonymous, A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia (Issued by the Virginia Company), 1610
8. John Winthrop, Reasons to Be Considered for Justifying the Undertakers of the Intended Plantation in New England and for Encouraging Such Whose Hearts God Shall Move to Join with Them in It, 1629
9. Ferdinando Gorges, A briefe Relation of the Discovery and Plantation of New England, 1622
10. William Wood, New Englands Prospect, 1634
A Chronology of Exploration and Colonization in the Americas (1000-1637)
Questions for Consideration
Selected Bibliography