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Documenting Sources in APA Style: 2020 Update
First EditionBedford/St. Martin's
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Creating APA-style in-text citations
Directory to APA in-text citation models
- Basic format for a quotation
- Basic format for a summary or a paraphrase
- Quotation from a source without page numbers
- Specific section of a source
- Two authors
- Three or more authors
- Organization as author
- Unknown or anonymous author
- Two or more works by the same author in the same year
- Two or more authors with the same last name
- Indirect source (source quoted in another source),
- Two or more works in the same parentheses
- Work available in multiple versions
- Sacred or classical text
- Website, software, or app
- Audiovisual or multimedia works
- Personal communications
Creating APA-style reference list entries
Elements of APA reference list entries
Date of publication
Source title
Publisher (for books)
Volume and issue number (for periodicals)
Page numbers
DOIs and URLs
Directory to APA reference list models
General guidelines for listing authors
- One author
- Two authors
- Three to twenty authors
- Twenty-one or more authors
- Organization as author
- Pseudonym or screen name
- Author with a one- or two-word name
- Unknown author
- Author and editor
- Editor
- Translator
- Editor and translator
- Two or more works by the same author in the same year
Articles and other parts of larger works
14. Journal article
15. Magazine article
16. Newspaper article
17. Newsletter article
18. Comment on an online article
19. Selection in a collection or anthology, or a chapter in an edited book
20. Abstract
21. Article with a title in its title
22. Editorial or letter to the editor
23. Review
24. Published interview
25. Entry in a reference work
26. Web page or document on a website
Books and other stand-alone works
27. Basic format for a book
28. Edition other than the first
29. Collection or anthology
30. Multivolume work (all volumes)
31. Multivolume work (single volume)
32. Book with a title in its title
33. Book in a language other than English
34. Republished book
35. Sacred or classical text
36. Dissertation
37. Government document
38. Report from a private organization
39. Brochure or fact sheet
40. Press release
41. Website
Multimedia sources
42. Blog post
43. Comment on a blog post
44. Podcast
45. Episode of a podcast
46. Online video or audio
47. Transcript of an online video or audio file
48. Film
49. Television or radio series
50. Episode from a television or radio series
51. Work of art in a museum
52. Photograph
53. Map
54. Advertisement
55. Music recording
56. Lecture, speech, address, or recorded interview
57. Paper or poster presented at a conference
58. Video game
59. Mobile app
60. Presentation slides
Social media sources
61. Profile
62. Facebook post
63. Tweet
64. Instagram post or highlight
65. Online forum post
Other sources
66. Data set or graphic representation of data (graph, chart, table)
67. Legal source
68. Lecture notes or other course materials
69. Personal communications
Formatting student papers in APA style
Margins and fonts
Line spacing
Page numbering
Title page
Additional sections for professional papers
Author note
Running heads
Preparing the reference list
Alphabetizing the list
Formatting the entries
DOIs and URLs
Excerpts from a sample student paper in APA style
Title page
First text page
Reference list