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Defending Slavery: Proslavery Thought in the Old South
Second EditionPaul Finkelman
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Paul Finkelman’s newly revised Defending Slavery: Proslavery Thought in the Old South introduces you to the vast number of ways in which educated Southern thinkers and theorists defended the institution of slavery. This book collects and explores the elaborately detailed pro-slavery arguments rooted in religion, law, politics, science, and economics. Through an introduction and rich collection of documents, this book allows for a thorough examination of those who defended slavery and provides a better understanding of this tumultuous period in American history. Available in print and e-book formats.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
PART ONE: Introduction: Defending Slavery
Northerners, Southerners, and Slavery
The Legitimacy of Slavery in Earlier Times
The Emergence of Slavery in Early America
The American Revolution Threatens Slavery
The Emergence of Proslavery Thought
The Outlines of Antebellum Proslavery Thought
Racial Theory and Ideology: The Key to Proslavery Thought
PART TWO: The Documents
Politics, Economics, and Proslavery Thought
1. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1787
2. Lucy Kenney, A Refutation of the Principles of Abolition, 1836 3. John C. Calhoun, Speech in the U.S. Senate, 1837
4. Edmund Ruffin, The Political Economy of Slavery, 1853 5. Thomas R. R. Cobb, Effects of Abolition in the United States, 1858
6. James Henry Hammond, The Mudsill, or Cotton is King Speech, 1858
7. Marie Jefferson Carr Mason, Letter of Mrs. Mason, 1860
8. Alexander Stephens, The Cornerstone Speech, 1861
Religion and Slavery
9. Reverend A. T. Holmes, The Duties of Christian Masters, 1851
10. De Bow’s Review, Slavery and the Bible, 1850
11. Protestant Episcopal Convention of South Carolina, Duty of Clergymen in Relation to the Marriage of Slaves, 1859
12. Thornton Stringfellow, The Bible Argument: Or, Slavery in the Light of Divine Revelation, 1860
The Law in Defense of Slavery
13. North Carolina Supreme Court, State v. Mann (Opinion of Justice Thomas Ruffin), 1829
14. U.S. Supreme Court, Dred Scott v. Sandford (Opinion of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney), 1857
15. Thomas R. R. Cobb, What Is Slavery, and Its Foundation in the Natural Law, 1858
Racial Theory, Science, and Slavery
16. Dr. Samuel A. Cartwright, Report on the Diseases of and Physical Peculiarities of the Negro Race, 1851
17. Dr. Josiah C. Nott, Types of Mankind, 1854
18. William J. Grayson, The Hireling and the Slave, 1854
19. George Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South, 1854, and Cannibals All! 1857
20. Dr. Josiah C. Nott, Instincts of Races, 1866
A Slavery Chronology (1619-1870)
Questions for Consideration
Selected Bibliography