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CP Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology 7e McMaster University Spring 2022 Revision
Seventh EditionBryan Kolb; Ian Q. Whishaw
©2022Bringing you to the forefront of one of the most exciting and impactful areas of scientific inquiry today, Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology introduces you to the scientific exploration of human behavior from a neuroscientists perspective. An extenstive amount of recent research combines with explanations of the real-world impact of those discoveries in order to make content both fascinating and accessible.
Table of Contents
7. Imaging the Brain’s Activity
Part II Cortical Organization
8. Organization of the Sensory Systems 9. Organization of the Motor System 10. Principles of Neurocortical Function 11. Cerebral Asymmetry12. Variations in Cerebral Asymmetry
Part III Cortical Functions
13. The Occipital Lobes 14. The Parietal Lobes 15. The Temporal Lobes 16. The Frontal Lobes17. Cortical Networks and Disconnection Syndromes
Part IV Higher Functions
18. Learning and Memory 19. Language 20. Emotion and the Social Brain 21. Spatial Behavior22. Attention and Consciousness
Part V Plasticity and Disorders
23. Brain Development and Plasticity 24. Neurodevelopmental Disorders 25. Plasticity, Recovery, and Rehabilitation of the Adult Brain 26. Neurological Disorders 27. Psychiatric and Related Disorders 28. Neuropsychological Assessment