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These students have done it, and so can you
Based on 100 interviews with college writers, Todd Taylor’s groundbreaking multimedia resource helps you learn from other students’ experiences like no other textbook before. Their words and voices—in brief videos and writing examples—form the foundation for a refreshing new style of instruction that asks you to engage with other college writers personally, learning from their challenges and successes. The words and voices of these students are brought to life in the book’s LaunchPad, featuring all of the student videos and a collection of their writing. The result is a unique text that asks you to critically examine and engage with the words and writing of other students, using them as a model to inspire your own successes.
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A Note to Students: On Becoming a College Writer
Preface for Instructors
Part I: Rhetoric
Lesson 1 Writing: Clarify your definition of writing.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 2 Writer: See yourself as a writer.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 3 Audience: Understand and interact with your audience.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 4 Topic: Write about a topic that matters to you.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Part II: Context
Lesson 5 Prompt: Answer the assignment prompt and respond to the grading rubric.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 6 Evidence: Support your writing with evidence.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 7 Genres: Analyze and compare genres to meet audience expectations.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 8 Discipline: Understand that a discipline is a methodology applied to a subject.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 9 Media: Select the appropriate media for your context, and use it appropriately.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Part III: Process
Lesson 10 Planning: Plan your writing process.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 11 Brainstorming: Develop a brainstorming strategy.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 12 Researching: Research before you draft and cite as you research.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 13 Organizing: Organize your preliminary writing according to patterns.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 14 Drafting: Generate momentum in your first draft and keep going.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 15 Revising: Revise Repeatedly from Feedback.\
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 16 Proofreading: Use professional proofreading techniques to help you find errors.
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Lesson 17 Publishing: Format your writing with pride and purpose.
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Lesson 18 Reflecting: Reflect on each completed assignment, in writing.
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Part IV: Conventions
Lesson 19 Thesis: Focus your thesis through evidence and research.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 20 Introductions and Conclusions: Design the right introduction and conclusion.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 21 Paragraphs: Develop your paragraphs and pack them with evidence and detail.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 22 Sentences: Develop your own active, economic style.
Essentials Video ~ Why ~ How ~ Exercises
Lesson 23 Grammar: Learn from your grammatical mistakes and don’t be intimidated.
23.1 Why you should learn from your grammatical mistakes and not be intimidated.
23.2 Punctuation, Grammar, and Mechanics A-Z
Lesson 24 Citation: Approach citation as a research tool, not as a threat.
24.1 Why you should approach citation as a research tool, not as a threat
24.2 Citation Mechanics A-Z
Part V: Writers like you
Lesson 25 Student Interviews & Sample Papers: Learn from the moves other writers make.
25.1 Why you should study the moves other writers make.
25.2 How to learn from the moves other writers make.
Interview A Nanaissa: Undeclared major
Student Paper A Problem-Solution paper
Interview B Kendra: Environmental Sciences major
Student Paper B Scientific Journal Paper
Interview C Deonta: Sociology Major
Student Paper C Sociology Paper
Interview D Nicole: English Major
Student Paper D Literary Analysis
Interview E Vinh-Thuy: Chemistry Major
Student Paper E: Multimedia Self-Reflection Essay
Interview F Dan: English Major
Student Paper F: Video Essay