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Americas History for the AP® Course is known for its attention to AP® themes and content in a structure that closely aligns with the chronology of the AP® U.S. History course. A wealth of supporting resources allow students the tools they need to master the course and achieve success on the AP® exam. This text is available in print and digital formats. You may also purchase the "Strive for a 5" study/prep guide for two complete practice exams.
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Table of Contents
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PART 1 Transformations of North America, 1491–1700
1 Colliding Worlds, 1491–1600
2 American Experiments, 1521–1700
PART 2 British North America and the Atlantic World, 1607–1763
3 The British Atlantic World, 1607–1750 78
4 Growth, Diversity, and Conflict, 1720–1763
PART 3 Revolution and Republican Culture, 1754–1800
5 The Problem of Empire, 1754–1776
6 Making War and Republican Governments, 1776–1789
7 Hammering Out a Federal Republic, 1787–1820
PART 4 Overlapping Revolutions, 1800–1848
8 Economic Transformations, 1800–1848
9 A Democratic Revolution, 1800–1848
10 Religion, Reform, and Culture, 1820–1848
11 Imperial Ambitions, 1820–1848
PART 5 Consolidating a Continental Union, 1844–1877
12 Sectional Conflict and Crisis, 1844–1861
13 Bloody Ground: The Civil War, 1861–1865
14 Reconstruction, 1865–1877
15 Conquering a Continent, 1860–1890
PART 6 Industrializing America: Upheavals and Experiments, 1877–1917
16 Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts, 1877–1911
17 Making Modern American Culture, 1880–1917
18 "Civilization’s Inferno": The Rise and Reform of Industrial Cities, 1800–1917
19 Whose Government? Politics, Populists, and Progressives, 1880–1917
PART 7 Global Ambitions and Domestic Turmoil, 1890–1945
20 An Emerging World Power, 1890–1918
21 Unsettled Prosperity: From War to Depression, 1919–1932
22 Managing the Great Depression, Forging the New Deal, 1929–1938
23 The World at War, 1937–1945
PART 8 The Modern State and the Age of Liberalism, 1945–1980
24 The Cold War Dawns, 1945–1963
25 Triumph of the Middle Class, 1945–1963
26 The Civil Rights Movement, 1941–1973
27 Liberal Crisis and Conservative Rebirth, 1961–1972
28 The Search for Order in an Era of Limits, 1973–1980
PART 9 Globalization and the End of the American Century, 1980 to the Present
29 Conservative America in the Ascent, 1980–1991
30 National and Global Dilemmas, 1989 to the Present