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See how science works and learn to think critically about the environment as you follow real people doing real science. Scientific American Environmental Science for a Changing World provides context for the science through topic-specific stories and visual elements to maintain clarity for scientific processes and concepts, helping you understand the subject matter quicker and easier.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Environmental, Science, and Information Literacy
Module 1.1 Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Lessons from a Vanished Society
Module 1.2 Science Literacy and the Process of Science Fungal Attacker Threatens North American Bats
Module 1.3 Information Literacy and Toxicology Lead in the Water
Chapter 2. Ecology
Module 2.1 Ecosystems and Nutrient Cycling Engineering Earth
Module 2.2 Population Ecology Gray Wolves Return to Yellowstone
Module 2.3 Community Ecology The Florida Everglades: A Community in Crisis
Chapter 3. Evolution and Biodiversity
Module 3.1 Evolution and Extinction A Tropical Murder Mystery
Module 3.2 Biodiversity Palm Oil Plantations Threaten Tropical Forests
Module 3.3 Preserving Biodiversity A Forest Without Elephants*
Chapter 4. Human Populations and Environmental Health
Module 4.1 Human Populations The Kerala Model
Module 4.2 Urbanization and Sustainable Communities Creating Green Cities
Module 4.3 Environmental Health Eradicating a Parasitic Nightmare
Chapter 5. Managing Resources: Environmental Economics and Policy
Module 5.1 Ecological Economics and Consumption Wall to Wall, Cradle to Cradle
Module 5.2 Environmental Policy The World Tackles Ozone Depletion
Module 5.3 Managing Solid Waste A Plastic Surf
Chapter 6. Water Resources
Module 6.1 Freshwater Resources Toilet to Tap
Module 6.2 Water Pollution Suffocating the Gulf
Module 6.3 Marine Ecosystems Ocean Acidification: The "Other" CO2 Problem*
Chapter 7. Land Resources
Module 7.1 Forests Returning Trees to Haiti
Module 7.2 Soil Resources and Grasslands Restoring the Range*
Module 7.3 Mineral Resources No Stone Unturned*
Chapter 8. Food Resources
Module 8.1 Feeding the World A Gene Revolution
Module 8.2 Sustainable Agriculture: Raising Crops Farming Like an Ecosystem
Module 8.3 Agriculture: Raising Livestock Can Meat Be Part of a Healthy, Environmentally Conscious Diet?*
Online Module 8.4 Fisheries and Aquaculture Fish in a Warehouse?*
Chapter 9. Conventional Energy: Fossil Fuels
Module 9.1 Coal Bringing Down the Mountain
Module 9.2 Oil and Natural Gas The Bakken Oil Boom
Chapter 10. Air Pollution: Consequences of Using Fossil Fuels
Module 10.1 Air Pollution The Youngest Scientists
Online Module 10.2 Global Climate Change Climate Refugees
Chapter 11. Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
Module 11.1 Nuclear Power The Future of Fukushima
Module 11.2 Sun, Wind, Water, and Earth Energy Fueled by the Sun
Module 11.3 Biofuels Gas from Grass*
*Available online in SaplingPlus