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Romeo and Juliet
First EditionWilliam Shakespeare; Edited by Dympna Callaghan
©2003Featuring travel accounts, poetry, excerpts from early modern fencing manuals, royal proclamations and statutes, tables and prognostications from an early modern almanac, and orders for religious ceremonies from The Book of Common Prayer, the primary documents and illustrations accompanying this edition of Romeo and Juliet are extremely extensive. The companion resources to the Bevington edition of the play contextualize the social relationships among men in Shakespeare’s time, views of love and the Petrarchan paradigm, spiritual life, family in Elizabethan society, and ideas about astrology, medicine, and death.
Table of Contents
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
(Edited by David Bevington)
Cultural Contexts
1. Italy
The Idea of Italy for Shakespeares English Audience
Fynes Moryson, From His Ten Years Travel
Roger Ascham, From The Schoolmaster
Thomas Nashe, From The Unfortunate Traveler, or the Life of Jack Wilton
William Thomas, From The History of Italy
G.B.A.F., From A Discovery of the Great Subtlety and Wonderful Wisdom of the Italians
Andreas Franciscus, From A Description of the Authors Journey from Trento to London
Relationships between Men
Richard Barnfield, From The Affectionate Shepherd
Vincentio Saviolo, From His Practice
George Silver, From Paradoxes of Defense
Keeping the Peace
Queen Elizabeth I, Proclamation Enforcing Statutes of Apparel
Queen Elizabeth I, Proclamation Prohibiting Unlawful Assembly under Martial Law
Queen Elizabeth I, Proclamation Enforcing Earlier Proclamation against Handguns
King James I, Proclamation Prohibiting the Publishing of Any Reports or Writing of Duels
William Fleetwood, Report to Lord Burghley
Charles Gibbon, From A Work Worth the Reading
John Stockwood, From A Bartholomew Fairing for Parents
Thomas Hilder, From Conjugal Counsel: or, Seasonable Advice, Both to Unmarried, and Married Persons
Henry Swinburne, From A Treatise of Spousals
John Donne, Letter to Sir George More
Francesco Petrarch, From The Canzoniere
Sir Philip Sidney, Sonnet 9
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 130
Solemnization of Matrimony
Richard Day, A Prayer of Children for Their Parents
Richard Bagot, Letter to Richard Broughton
Lord John Lumley, Letter to Richard Bagot Esquire
Thomas Rugeley, Letter to Richard Bagot
Walter Bagot, Letter to Henry Skipwith
Richard Rugeley, Letter to Walter Bagot
Walter Bagot, Letter to an Unidentified Man
Edmund Waring, Letter to Walter Bagot
Sir John Ferrers, Letter to Walter Bagot
Jane Skipwith (Roberts), Lady Markham, Letter to Walter Bagot
Jane Skipwith, Letter to Lewes Bagot
Jane Skipwith, Letters to Walter Bagot
Walter Bagot, Letter to Henry Skipwith
Lewes Bagot, Letter to Walter Bagot
Robert Broughton, Letter to Walter Bagot
Lady Elinor Cave, Letter to Walter Bagot
Sir Thomas Cokayne, Letter to Walter Bagot
Walter Bagot, Letter to Christopher Brooke
Martin Heton, Letter to Richard Bagot
Lady Elizabeth (Knyvett) Clinton, Countess of Lincoln, From The Countess of Lincolns
Henry Smith, From A Preparative to Marriage
Lady Anne Clifford, From The Diary of the Lady Anne Clifford
Sir Hugh Platt, From Delights for Ladies to Adorn Their Persons, Tables, Closets, and
5. Friars
St. Bonaventure, From The Life of the Most Holy Father St. Francis
John Foxe, From Acts and Monuments
Edmund Spenser, From The Faerie Queene
Love and Death
Jacques Ferrand, From Erotomania
From An Act Concerning Physicians and Royal College of Physicians of London, From Pharmacopoeia Londonensis
Nicholas Culpeper, From Pharmacopoeia Londinensis
Richard Day, A Prayer to Be Said at Our Going to Bed and A Prayer When We Be Ready to Sleep
The Order for the Burial of the Dead
Queen Elizabeth I, Proclamation Prohibiting Destruction of Church Monuments
John Jewel, From An Homily Against Apparel of Idolatry and Superfluous Decking of