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Gain confidence as a reader, writer, and thinker as Real Writing Essentials builds your academic writing skills to lead to improved success in college and beyond with the support necessary to enable you to develop better paragraphs and essays.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
A Note to Students
Part One: College Thinking, Reading, and Writing
1. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: Making Connections
2. Getting Ready to Write: Form, Process, and Purpose
3. Organizing Your Main Point and Support: Arranging Your Ideas
4. Drafting and Revising Paragraphs and Essays: Putting Your Ideas Together
Part Two: Writing Different Kinds of Paragraphs and Essays
5. Narration: Writing That Tells Important Stories
6. Illustration: Writing That Gives Examples
7. Description: Writing That Creates Pictures with Words
8. Process Analysis: Writing That Explains How Things Happen
9. Classification: Writing That Sorts Things into Groups
10. Definition: Writing That Tells What Something Means
11. Comparison and Contrast: Writing That Shows Similarities and Differences
12. Cause and Effect: Writing That Explains Reasons or Results
13. Argument: Writing That Persuades
14. Research
Part Three: Grammar, Punctuation, and Mechanics
15. Basic Grammar
16. The Four Most Serious Errors
17. Other Grammar and Style Concerns
18. Punctuation and Capitalization
Useful Editing and Proofreading Marks