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Dig into the details of the research that forms the backbone of social psychology!
Coinciding with the major themes found in The Social Animal 12th edition by Elliot Aronson, Readings About The Social Animal examines the most important ideas in social psychology. This acclaimed collection of articles includes accounts of both classic and contemporary experimental findings as well as more general articles summarizing relevant studies.
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Part I. What Is Social Psychology?
1. Social Psychology – The Science of Human Experience
Daniel M. Wegner and Daniel T. Gilbert
Part II. Social Cognition
2. Students’ Mindsets: Messages That Motivate
Carol S. Dweck
3. Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious
Timothy D. Wilson
4. A Purpose for Working Hard: When Transcending the Self
Creates Self-Regulation
David S. Yeager
5. Human Autonomy: Its Basic Science and Applied
Edward Deci and Richard Ryan
6. The Mindful Social Animal
Barry R. Cohen and Joshua Aronson
Part III. Self-Justification
7. Dissonance, Hypocrisy, and the Self-Concept
Elliot Aronson
8. Self-Affirmation: Understanding the Effects
David K. Sherman and Geoffrey Cohen
9. Emotional Disclosure and Social Judgement
Kent Harber and Christian H. Williams
10. Using Cognitive Dissonance to Encourage Water Conservation
Chris Ann Dickerson, Ruth Thibodeau, Elliot Aronson, and Dayna Miller
11. Trial by Therapy: The Jerry Sandusky Case Revisited
Frederick Crews
Part IV. Conformity
12. Opinions and Social Pressure
Solomon E. Asch
13. Behavioral Study of Obedience
Stanley Milgram
14. "From Jerusalem to Jericho": A Study of Situational and Dispositional Variables in Helping Behavior
John M. Darley and C. Daniel Batson
15. A Room with a Viewpoint: Using Social Norms to Motivate Environmental Conservation in Hotels
Noah J. Goldstein, Robert B. Cialdini and Vladas Griskevicius
Part V. Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion
16. Attribution Versus Persuasion as a Means for Modifying Behavior
Richard L. Miller, Philip Brickman, and Diana Bolen
17. You Are What You Do: Implicating the Self to Influence Behavior
Christopher J. Bryan
18. Compliance Without Pressure: The Foot-in-the-Door Technique
Jonathan L. Freedman and Scott C. Fraser
19. Work and the Art of Motivation Maintenance
Adam M. Grant
20. Low Glucose Relates to Greater Aggression in Married Couples
Brad J. Bushman, C. Nathan DeWall, Richard S. Pond, Jr., and Michael D. Hanus
21. Deindividuation and Anger-Mediated Interracial Aggression: Unmasking Regressive Racism
Ronald W. Rogers and Steven Prentice-Dunn
22. Does Venting Anger Feed or Extinguish the Flame? Catharsis, Rumination, Distraction, Anger, and Aggressive Responding
Brad J. Bushman
23. Reducing Intergroup Prejudice and Conflict Using the Media: A Field Experiment in Rwanda
Elizabeth Levy] Paluck
24. Jigsaw Groups and the Desegregated Classroom: In Pursuit of Common Goals
Elliot Aronson and Diane Bridgeman
25. Implicit Bias in Social Interactions
Kate Riley Thorson and Tessa V. West
26. Prejudice as Self-Image Maintenance: Affirming the Self Through Derogating Others
Steven Fein and Steven J. Spencer
27. Lending a Hand: Social Regulation of the Neural Response to Threat
James A. Coan, Hillary S. Schaefer, and Richard J. Davidson
28. The Long Reach of the Social in "Social Animal": Affiliation Motivation Is the Foundation on Which Achievement Motivation Rests
Andrew J. Elliot
29. The Social Animal Encounters Social Rejection: Cognitive, Behavioral, Emotional, and Interpersonal Effects of Being Excluded
Roy F. Baumeister and Dianne M. Tice
30. Arbitrary Social Norms Influence Sex Differences in Romantic Selectivity
Eli J. Finkel and Paul W. Eastwick
31. Scientific Reproducibility in the Study of Social Animals Jay Van Bavel and William A. Cunningham
32. The Replicability Issue and Stereotype Threat Research Steven J. Spencer and Claude M. Steele
33. Research in Social Psychology as a Leap of Faith
Elliot Aronson