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This package includes Loose-Leaf and Read & Practice.
This package includes Hardcover and Read & Practice.
This package includes Loose-Leaf and Paperback.
This package includes Hardcover and Paperback.
Bring the science of psychology to life with engaging personal stories in Psychology. This format helps improve your scientific literacy in the context of psychology as you learn more about the scientific foundations and advances within the discipine.
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Achieve Read & Practice is the marriage of our LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and our mobile, accessible e-book, in one easy-to-use and affordable product.
Learn MoreTable of Contents
Section 1: Introducing Psychology
Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Methods
Section 2: Psychobiological Processes
Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior
Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception
Chapter 4: Consciousness and Its Variations
Section 3: Basic Psychological Processes
Chapter 5: Learning
Chapter 6: Memory
Chapter 7: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Chapter 8: Motivation and Emotion
Section 4: The Development of The Self
Chapter 9: Lifespan Development
Chapter 10: Gender and Sexuality
Chapter 11: Personality
Section 5: The Person in Social Context
Chapter 12: Social Psychology
Section 6: Psychological Problems, Disorders, and Treatment
Chapter 13: Stress, Health, and Coping
Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders
Chapter 15: Therapies