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An affordable and versatile reader that will make you smarter about intelligence.
Do you ever feel like someone is judging your intelligence? Where do those judgments come from and what do they mean? Those are some of the questions asked by Intelligence: A Bedford Spotlight Reader, through readings that explore intelligence in people, animals, machines, groups, prodigies, and more. Readings from journalists, teachers, scientists, historians, and others help you examine these concepts from a diverse range of perspectives, learn to write effectively about them, and understand more about this important concept.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
Introduction for Students
Chapter 1: How Smart Are Animals?
Frans De Waal, Magic Wells
Jane Goodall, At Long Last I Belong
Dinitia Smith, A Thinking Bird or Just Another Birdbrain?
Philip Sopher, What Animals Teach Us About Measuring Intelligence
Rachel Monroe, The Cat Psychic
Alicia Puglionesi, How Counting Horses and Reading Dogs Convinced Us Animals Could Think
John Horgan, Do Fish Suffer?
Chapter 2: Are the Risks of Artificial Intelligence Worth the Rewards?
Ray Kurzweil, What Is AI, Anyway?
Alan Turing, Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Tim Adams, Like Children Playing with a Bomb
Adam Elkus, Meet the Bots
Will Knight, The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI
Allie Shaw, Alexa, Siri, Sophia: Deconstructing AI’s Subliminal Gender Bias
Cade Metz, Google’s Artificial Brain Is Pumping Out Trippy – and Pricey – Art
Chapter 3: Is There More Than One Kind of Intelligence?
Howard Gardner, The Idea of Multiple Intelligences
Daniel Goleman, When Smart Is Dumb
Adam Grant, The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence
Robert Sternberg, What Is "Successful" Intelligence?
Russ Alloway and Tracy Alloway, The End of IQ (and the Dawn of Working Memory)
Philip Ball, "Wisdom of the Crowd": The Myths and Realities
John Mayer, We Need More Tests, Not Fewer
Chapter 4: Does Identity Determine Intelligence?
Malcolm Gladwell, None of the Above
Jennifer Lee, The Truth about Asian Americans’ Success
William Saletan, Stop Talking about Race and IQ
Diane Halpern, Sex Differences in Intelligence
Lily Rothman, A Cultural History of Mansplaining
Mark Joseph Stern, Are Gay People Smarter Than Straight People?
Mike Rose, Blue Collar Brilliance
Chapter 5: What Is Extreme Intelligence?
Claudia Kalb, What Makes a Genius?
Daniel Pink, What Kind of Genius Are You?
Matthew Francis, Cognitive Celebrity
Iriana Aristarkova, Genius and Evil
Emily Atkin, The Sexism of "Genius"
Sam Riches, The Genius Problem
David Z. Hambrick, What Makes a Prodigy?
Sentence Guide for Academic Writers
Index of Authors and Titles