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Herodotus and Sima Qian: The First Great Historians of Greece and China
First EditionThomas R. Martin
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Showing the similar struggles Herodotus in ancient Greece and Sima Qian in ancient China grappled with in preparing their historical accounts, Herodotus and Sima Qian: The First Great Historians of Greece and China demonstrates how their efforts helped to invent modern notions of history writing and the job of the historian. By comparing the writings of these two historical figures, who knew nothing about each other, the text illustrates the hallmarks of early history writing.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
The Form and Content of Herodotus’ Historical Work
Length and Complexity of the Narrative
Objectivity of Evidence and Subjectivity of Interpretation
The Form and Content of Sima Qian’s Historical Work
Chronologies of the Lives and Works of Herodotus and
Questions for Consideration
Selected Bibliography