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1200 Update Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Modern Course
Fourth EditionRobert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
©2020Ways of the World 1200 Update, Fourth Edition is the ideal text for the AP® World History classroom. Authors Strayer and Nelson provide commentary that helps students see the big picture of the 1200 start date and models historical thinking and writing throughout. This brief text is focused on the needs of AP® students, with AP® Skills Workshops and and abundant AP® practice. This text is available in print and digital formats. You may also purchase the "Strive for a 5" study/prep guide for two complete practice exams.
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Table of Contents
Prologue: From Cosmic History to Human History
PART ONE Diversity and Interaction in The World of 1200 to 1450
1. Before 1200: Patterns in World History
2. Varieties of Civilizations: Eurasia and the Americas, 1200-1450
3. Connections and Interactions, 1200-1450
4. The Mongol Moment and the Remaking of Eurasia, 1200-1450
PART TWO The Early Modern World, 1450–1750
5. Political Transformations: Empires and Encounters, 1450–1750
6. Economic Transformations: Commerce and Consequence, 1450–1750
7. Cultural Transformations: Religion and Science, 1450–1750
PART THREE The European Moment in World History, 1750–1900
8. Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes, 1750–1900
9. Revolutions of Industrialization, 1750–1900
10. Colonial Encounters in Asia, Africa, and Oceania, 1750–1950
11. Empires in Collision: Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, 1800–1900
PART FOUR The Most Recent Century, 1900–PRESENT
12. Milestones of the Past Century: War and Revolution, 1900–1950
13. Milestones of the Past Century: A Changing Global Landscape 1950-PRESENT
14. Global Processes: Technology, Economy, and Society 1900–PRESENT
15. Global Processes: Demography, Culture, and the Environment 1900–PRESENT
Glossary/Glosario of Historical Terms
Glossary/Glosario of Academic Terms