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Containing the first edition text of Bram Stokers gothic novel with critical essays, Dracula places the story in context among several perspectives, including contemporary cultural, psychoanalytic, gender, queer, and postcolonial in order to relate the novel to modern topics.
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Part One: Dracula: The Complete Text in Cultural ContextBiographical and Historical Contexts The Complete Text (1897)Part Two: Contextual Documents and IllustrationsPart Three: Dracula: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism A Critical History of Dracula Cultural Criticism and DraculaNew Leland Monk, Undead Images, Images of the Undead: Dracula on Film Psychoanalytic Criticism and Dracula Dennis Foster, "The little children can be bitten": A Hunger for Dracula Gender Criticism and DraculaSos Eltis, Corruption of the Blood and Degeneration of the Race: Dracula and Policing the Borders of GenderQueer Theory and DraculaNew Renee Fox, Building Castles in the Air: Female Intimacy and Generative Queerness in DraculaPostcolonial Theory and DraculaNew Gregory Castle, In Transit: The Passage to Empire in Stoker’s DraculaCombining Critical Perspectives on DraculaNew Joseph Valente, Stoker’s Vampire and the Vicissitudes of BiopowerGlossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms