Statistical Reasoning in Sports
First EditionJosh Tabor; Chris Franklin
©2012Gain a better understanding of the principles of statistical reasoning through a different perspective--sports. Statistical Reasoning in Sports lets you ask questions, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions using randomization tests for questions such as, "Is it harder to shoot free throws with distractions?" Questions like these are evaluated by designing an experiment, collecting the data, and using a hands-on simulation to analyze results, giving you a more interactive approach to learning statistics.
Table of Contents
Each chapter has an opening question that will be answered over the course of the chapter as the students develop the tools that allow them to engage in statistics using a hands-on approach.
Chapter 1: Exploring Categorical DataDid LeBron James Choke in the Playoffs?
Chapter 2: Comparing Two Proportions
Is There a Home Field Advantage in the National Football League?
Is There a Home Field Advantage in the National Football League?
Chapter 3: Investigating Independence
Does the Hot Hand Exist in Sports?
Does the Hot Hand Exist in Sports?
Chapter 4: Exploring Numerical Data
Does the Designated Hitter Increase Offense in Major League Baseball?
Does the Designated Hitter Increase Offense in Major League Baseball?
Chapter 5: Comparing Two Means or Two Medians
Does the Designated Hitter Increase Offense in Major League Baseball (Revisited)?
Does the Designated Hitter Increase Offense in Major League Baseball (Revisited)?
Chapter 6: Exploring Paired Data
Can Polyurethane Suits Make You Swim Faster?
Can Polyurethane Suits Make You Swim Faster?
Chapter 7: Exploring Measures of Variability
Which 7-Iron is More Consistent?
Which 7-Iron is More Consistent?
Chapter 8: Standardized Scores and Normal Distributions
Which Players Should I Draft for My Fantasy Team?
Which Players Should I Draft for My Fantasy Team?
Chapter 9: Estimating Ability with Confidence Intervals
What is LeBron’s True Ability?
What is LeBron’s True Ability?
Chapter 10: Exploring Relationships Between Numerical Variables
Teeing Off: Hit It Hard or Hit It Straight?
Teeing Off: Hit It Hard or Hit It Straight?
Chapter 11: Using Relationships to Make Predictions
How Can We Build a Better Baseball Team?
How Can We Build a Better Baseball Team?
Chapter 12: Multiple Regression
Hit it Long or Hit it Straight? Why Not Both?
Hit it Long or Hit it Straight? Why Not Both?
Chapter 13: Using Non-Linear Models: Exponential, Quadratic, and Logistic Regression
Will She Make the Shot?
Chapter 14: Exploring Counting Rules and Probability
How Crazy Was Billy Martin?
How Crazy Was Billy Martin?
Chapter 15: Conditional Probability, Expected Value, and Strategy in Sports
Should You Go For It on Fourth Down?
Should You Go For It on Fourth Down?