Practical Strategies for Technical Communication
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Fifth EditionMike Markel; Stuart A. Selber
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Practical Strategies prepares you to write in a variety of workplace settings and contexts
Practical Strategies helps you to keep up with today’s constantly changing workplace, providing a concise, accessible guide to everything you need to know about audience and purpose, document design, research, style, and more. Full of clear, practical advice and real-world examples from a range of sources, the fifth edition tackles the nuances of generative AI as a tool for composing and communicating and gives you practice with the writing processes and products you’ll encounter on the job.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
Part 1 Working in the Technical-Communication Environment
1 Introduction to Technical Communication
- What Is Technical Communication?
- Why Technical Communication Skills Are Important in Your Career
- The Challenges of Producing Technical Communication
- Thinking Visually: Characteristics of a Technical Document
- Thinking Visually: Measures of Excellence in Technical Documents
- Skills and Qualities Shared by Successful Workplace Communicators
- A Look at Three Technical Documents
- Exercises
2 Understanding Ethical and Legal Obligations
- A Brief Introduction to Ethics
- Your Legal Obligations
- The Role of Corporate Culture in Ethical and Legal Conduct
- Understanding Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Social Media
- Communicating Ethically Across Cultures
- Thinking Visually: Principles for Ethical Communication
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
3 Writing Collaboratively
- Thinking Visually: Advantages and Disadvantages of Collaboration
- Managing Projects
- Conducting Meetings
- Using Electronic Tools in Collaboration
- Strategies for Online Communication: Jenny Gilbert on Crowdsourcing Data and Information
- Gender and Collaboration
- Culture and Collaboration
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
Part 2 Planning and Drafting the Document
4 Analyzing Your Audience and Purpose
- Understanding Audience and Purpose
- Using an Audience Profile Sheet
- Techniques for Learning About Your Audience
- Thinking Visually: Determining the Important Characteristics of Your Audience
- Communicating Across Cultures
- Applying What You Have Learned About Your Audience
- Writing for Multiple Audiences
- Determining Your Purpose
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
5 Researching Your Subject
- Understanding the Research Process
- Choosing Appropriate Research Methods
- Choices and Strategies: Research Questions and Methods
- Conducting Secondary Research
- Using AI Chatbots
- Conducting Primary Research
- Choices and Strategies: Choosing Types of Questions for Questionnaires
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
6 Writing for Your Readers
- Presenting Yourself Effectively
- Using Conventional Patterns of Organization
- Choices and Strategies: Choosing Effective Organizational Patterns
- Writing Clear, Informative Titles
- Writing Clear, Informative Headings
- Writing Clear, Informative Paragraphs
- Writing Grammatically Correct Sentences
- Structuring Effective Sentences
- Choosing the Right Words and Phrases
- Use Inoffensive Language
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
Part 3 Designing User-Friendly Documents and Websites
7 Designing Print and Online Documents
- Goals of Document Design
- Planning the Design of Print and Online Documents
- Understanding Design Principles
- Designing Print Documents
- Designing Digital Documents
- Consider Matters of Accessibility
- Design for Multicultural Audiences
- Combining Print and Digital Documents
- Strategies for Online Communication: Calvin Jones on Using Multiple Modalities
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
8 Creating Graphics
- The Functions of Graphics
- Thinking Visually: Characteristics of an Effective Graphic
- Understanding the Process of Creating Graphics
- Using Color Effectively
- Choosing the Appropriate Kind of Graphic
- Choices and Strategies: Choosing the Appropriate Kind of Graphic
- Illustrating Numerical Information
- Illustrating Logical Relationships
- Illustrating Process Descriptions and Instructions
- Illustrating Visual and Spatial Characteristics
- Creating Effective Graphics for Multicultural Readers
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
Part 4 Learning Important Applications
9 Corresponding in Print and Online
- Understanding the Process of Writing Correspondence
- Choices and Strategies: Choosing a Type of Correspondence
- Presenting Yourself Effectively in Correspondence
- Use the Appropriate Level of Formality
- Communicate Correctly
- Project the “You Attitude”
- Avoid Correspondence Clichés
- Communicate Honestly
- Elements of a Letter
- Common Types of Letters
- Writing Memos
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
10 Applying for a Job
- Establishing Your Professional Brand
- Understanding Job Search Strategies
- Elements of the Chronological Résumé
- Elements of the Skills Résumé
- Preparing a Plain-Text Résumé
- Writing Job-Application Letters
- Preparing for a Job Interview
- Writing Follow-up Letters or Emails After an Interview
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
11 Writing Proposals
- The Logistics of Proposals
- Internal and External Proposals
- Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals
- The “Deliverables” of Proposals
- Research Proposals
- Goods and Services Proposals
- Persuasion and Proposals
- Understanding Contexts
- Describing What You Plan To Do
- Demonstrating Your Professionalism
- The Structure of the Proposal
- Summary
- Introduction
- Proposed Program
- Qualifications and Experience
- Budget
- Appendixes
- Task Schedule
- Description of Evaluation Techniques
- Sample Internal Proposal
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
12 Writing Informational Reports
- Organizing Progress and Status Reports
- Concluding Progress and Status Reports
- Sample Progress Report
- Writing Incident Reports
- Writing Meeting Minutes
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
13 Writing Recommendation Reports
- Understanding the Role of Recommendation Reports
- Using a Problem-Solving Model for Preparing Recommendation Reports
- Identify the Problem or Opportunity
- Establish Criteria for Responding to the Problem or Opportunity
- Determine the Options
- Study Each Option According to the Criteria
- Draw Conclusions About Each Option
- Formulate Recommendations Based on the Conclusions
- Writing Recommendation Reports
- Writing the Body of the Report
- Writing the Front Matter
- Writing the Back Matter
- Sample Recommendation Report
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
14 Writing Definitions, Descriptions, and Instructions
- Writing Definitions
- Analyzing the Writing Situation for Definitions
- Writing Sentence Definitions
- Writing Extended Definitions
- Writing Descriptions
- Analyzing the Writing Situation for Descriptions
- Indicating Clearly the Nature and Scope of the Description
- Introducing the Description Clearly
- Providing Appropriate Detail
- Ending the Description with a Brief Conclusion
- A Look at Several Sample Descriptions
- Writing Instructions
- Strategies for Online Communication: Suzanne Barnhill on Moderating User Forums
- Understanding the Role of Instructional Videos
- Designing a Set of Instructions
- Drafting Effective Instructions
- Revising, Editing, and Proofreading Instructions
- A Look at Several Sample Sets of Instructions
- Writing Manuals
- Writer’s Checklist
- Exercises
15 Making Oral Presentations
- Understanding the Role of Oral Presentations
- Preparing the Presentation
- Analyzing the Speaking Situation
- Organizing and Developing the Presentation
- Preparing Presentation Graphics
- During a Presentation
- Choosing Effective Language
- Rehearsing the Presentation
- Thinking Visually: Delivering the Presentation
- Presenting to All Audiences
- Answering Questions After a Presentation
- Speaker’s Checklist
- Exercises
Appendix: Reference Handbook
A Documenting Your Sources
- APA Style
- IEEE Style
- MLA Style