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Neuroscience is one of the most exciting and impactful areas of scientific inquiry today. Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology is written by an author team that helped lay the foundation for this field and who continue to be actively involved in both clinical research and education in this area. They will introduce you to the scientific exploration of human behavior from a working neuroscientists perspective, providing you with an understanding of the fundamentals of brain anatomy and function, and introducing you to exciting innovations, engaging case studies, and emerging areas of research in this cutting-edge field.
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Media and Supplements
Part I: Background
Chapter 1: The Development of Neuropsychology
Chapter 2: Research on the Origins of the Human Brain
and Behavior
Chapter: Nervous System Organization
Chapter 4: The Structure and Electrical Activity
of Neurons
Chapter 5: Communication Between Neurons
Chapter 6: The Influence of Drugs and Hormones
on Behavior
Chapter 7: Imaging the Brain’s Activity
Chapter 8: Organization of the Sensory Systems
Chapter 9: Organization of the Motor System
Part II: Cortical Function
Chapter 10: Principles of Neocortical Function
Chapter 11: Cerebral Asymmetry
Chapter 12: Individual Differences in Cerebral Organization
Chapter 13: The Occipital Lobes and Networks
Chapter 14: The Parietal Lobes and Networks
Chapter 15: The Temporal Lobes and Networks
Chapter 16: The Frontal Lobes and Networks
Chapter 17: Cortical Networks and Disconnection
Part III: Higher Functions
Chapter 18: Learning and Memory
Chapter 19: Language
Chapter 20: Emotion and the Social Brain
Chapter 21: Spatial Behavior
Chapter 22: Attention and Consciousness
Part IV: Plasticity and Disorders
Chapter 23: Brain Development and Plasticity
Chapter 24: Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Chapter 25: Plasticity, Recovery, and Rehabilitation
of the Adult Brain
Chapter 26: Neurological Disorders
Chapter 27: Psychiatric and Related Disorders
Chapter 28: Neuropsychological Assessment
Name Index
Subject Index