Achieve Labs for Microbiology Simulations (1-Term Access)
First EditionMacmillan Learning
Online course materials that will help you in this class. Includes access to e-book and iClicker Student.
Microbiology Labs from the comfort of your own home
These open-ended lab simulations provide the most realistic virtual lab experience available. Access any lab exercise you’ll need for microbiology at any time, and complete the work at your own pace. Targeted hints, feedback, and solutions ensure you’re on track and understand the materials.
Achieve is a single, easy-to-use platform proven to engage students for better course outcomes
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Achieve Lab Simulations for Microbiology
Brief Table of Contents
Goal Setting and Reflection Surveys
Welcome to Achieve
Lab Safety
- Experiment 1: Safety Features and Hazards
- Experiment 2: Dressing for the Lab
Introduction to Lab Simulations
- Experiment 1: Measure a Change in Temperature Following a Chemical Reaction Between HCl and NaOH
- Experiment 2: Investigate the Relationship between the Volume and Pressure of a Gas (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Observing a Reaction Between HCl and Zinc
Scientific Method
- Experiment 1: Find the Best Mouse Diet for Weight Gain (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: Replicate the Experiment (includes Smart Worksheet)
Basic Microscopy
- Experiment 1: Visualizing Cells Using a Microscope
- Experiment 2: Estimating Size
Aseptic Technique
- Experiment 1: Pouring an Agar Plate
- Experiment 2: Making a Streak Plate Using the Aseptic Technique
Cultivation of Bacteria
- Experiment 1: Bacteria in the Environment
- Experiment 2: Isolation of Bacteria
- Experiment 1: Gram Staining
- Experiment 2: Acid-Fast Staining
- Experiment 3: Capsule Staining of K. pneumoniae and S. pneumoniae
Enumeration of Bacteria
- Experiment 1: Spread Plating of Bacterial Serial Dilutions (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: Counting Plate CFUs (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Calculating Sample CFU Density (includes Smart Worksheet)
Motility and Amino Acid Hydrolysis
- Experiment 1: Motility
- Experiment 2: Amino Acid Hydrolysis
- Experiment 1: Normal Peripheral Blood (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: Diseased Peripheral Blood (includes Smart Worksheet)
Unknown Identification
- Experiment 1: Gram Stain
- Experiment 2: Starch Hydrolysis Test
- Experiment 3: Citrate Test
- Experiment 4: Anaerobic Jar
Control of Bacterial Growth
- Experiment 1: UV Radiation
- Experiment 2: Chemical Agent Effects on E. coli
- Experiment 3: Pressurized Steam, High-Temperature Sterilization Using an Autoclave
Bacterial Transformation
- Experiment 1: Bacterial Transformation with an Ampicillin-Resistant Plasmid (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: Determining Transformation Success Using Selective Media (includes Smart Worksheet)
Extreme Bacteria
- Experiment 1: Effect of Temperature on Microbial Growth
- Experiment 2: Effect of pH on Microbial Growth
- Experiment 3: Effect of Osmotic Pressure on Microbial Growth
- Experiment 4: Effect of Oxygen on Microbial Growth
Antibiotic Sensitivity
- Experiment 1: Performing a Disk Diffusion Test with E. coli
- Experiment 2: Performing a Disk Diffusion Test with S. aureus
- Experiment 3: Performing a Disk Diffusion Test with MRSA
- Experiment 1: Performing Gram Staining of S. aureus and E. coli
- Experiment 2: Determining the Susceptibility of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria to Antibiotics
- Topic 1: Investigating Excavata
- Topic 2: Investigating Rhizaria
- Topic 3: Investigating Chromalveolata
- Topic 4: Investigating Archaeplastida
- Topic 5: Investigating Amoebas
- Topic 6: Investigating Choanoflagellates
- Topic 1: Investigating Phylum Basidiomycota
- Topic 2: Investigating Phylum Ascomycota
- Topic 3: Investigating Phylum Zygomycota
Acids, Bases, and pH Buffers
- Experiment 1: Measuring pH by Using the pH Indicator Bromothymol Blue (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: The Phosphate Buffer System (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Measuring the Buffer Capacity of a Phosphate Buffer (includes Smart Worksheet)
Biological Molecules
- Experiment 1: Testing for Reducing Sugars Using Benedict’s Solution
- Experiment 2: Testing for Starch Using Lugol’s Iodine
- Experiment 3: Testing for Lipids Using Sudan III Solution
- Experiment 4: Testing for Proteins Using Biuret Solution
- Experiment 5: Testing Various Foods for Reducing Sugars, Starch, Lipids, and Proteins
- Experiment 1: Determining the Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: Determining the Effect of Substrate Concentration on Catalase Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Determining the Effect of pH on Catalase Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
Quantitative Analysis of Enzyme Activity
- Experiment 1: Creating a Calibration Curve for Starch–Iodine Measurements (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 2: Determining the Effect of pH on Amylase Enzyme Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Determining the Effect of Temperature on Amylase Enzyme Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
Diffusion and Osmosis
- Experiment 1: Qualitative Evidence for Diffusion
- Experiment 2: Quantifying the Relationship Between Concentration Gradient and Osmosis (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Visualizing Osmosis in Living Cells
Expanded Diffusion and Osmosis
- Experiment 1: Qualitative Evidence for Diffusion
- Experiment 2: Observing the Dependence of the Rate of Diffusion on the Concentration Gradient (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment 3: Confirming Osmosis by Quantifying Weight Changes and Screening for Protein
- Experiment 4: Quantifying the Relationship Between Concentration Gradient and Osmosis (includes Smart Worksheet)
Cellular Respiration
- Experiment: Fermentation of Different Sugars by Yeast Cells (includes Smart Worksheet)
- Experiment: Running a Gel Electrophoresis of DNA VNTR Fragments (includes Smart Worksheet)
Regulation of Gene Expression
- Topic 1: Investigating Gene Expression
- Topic 2: Investigating mRNA Production
- Topic 3: Optimizing Protein Production Using Multiple Cells
- Experiment 1: Running a PCR
- Experiment 2: Conducting Gel Electrophoresis
Nucleic Acid Assays
- Experiment 1: Performing an RNA Extraction from Animal Cells
- Experiment 2: Cloning
- Experiment 3: Next Generation Sequencing