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America's History, Value Edition, Volume 1
Eighth EditionJames A. Henretta; Eric Hinderaker; Rebecca Edwards; Robert O. Self
©2016Known for its clear, insightful analytical narrative and balanced approach, America’s History, Value Edition is a brief, affordable text that brings America’s diverse past to life. The two-color Value Edition includes the full narrative, the popular nine-part organization, and select images and maps. Enhanced with a wealth of digital content in LaunchPad, the ninth edition provides easily assignable options for instructors and novel ways for students to master the content. Integrated with LearningCurve, an adaptive online resource that helps students retain the material and come to class prepared.
Table of Contents
Please note:
Volume 1 includes Chapters 1-15
Volume 2 includes Chapters 14-30
NOTE: LaunchPad material that does not appear in the print book – including guided reading exercises, source feature quizzes, LearningCurve adaptive quizzes, summative quizzes, all of the documents from the companion reader – has been labeled on this table of contents as shown. Each chapter in LaunchPad also comes with a wealth of additional documents, videos, key terms flashcards, map quizzes, and much more, all of which can be easily integrated and assigned.
Versions and Supplements
Brief Contents
Maps, Figures, and Tables
Part 1: Transformations of North America, 1491–1700
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Part 1 LaunchPad
Document P1-1: Meal of Maize and Beans, the Sixth Month of the Aztec Solar Calendar (c. 1585)
Quiz for Document P1-1 LaunchPad
Document P1-2: THEODORE DE BRY, The Natives of Florida Worship the Column Erected by Commander on His First Voyage (1591)
Quiz for Document P1-2 LaunchPad
Document P1-3: THOMAS MORTON, Manners and Customs of the Indians (of New England) (1637)
Quiz for Document P1-3 LaunchPad
Document P1-4: THOMAS PHILLIPS, A Journal of a Voyage Made in the Hannibal (1693–1694)
Quiz for Document P1-4 LaunchPad
Document P1-5: RICHARD HAKLUYT, A Discourse of Western Planting (1584)
Quiz for Document P1-5 LaunchPad
1. Colliding Worlds, 1491–1600
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Native American Experience
The First Americans
American Empires
Chiefdoms and Confederacies
Patterns of Trade
Sacred Power
Western Europe: The Edge of the Old World
Hierarchy and Authority
Peasant Society
Expanding Trade Networks
Myths, Religions, and Holy Warriors
West and Central Africa: Origins of the Atlantic Slave Trade
Empires, Kingdoms, and Ministates
Trans-Saharan and Coastal Trade
The Spirit World
Exploration and Conquest
Portuguese Expansion
The African Slave Trade
Sixteenth-Century Incursions
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Altered Landscapes LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Colliding Cultures LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations How Connected Were Native American Communities Before 1492? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices A Spanish Priest Criticizes His Fellow Colonists LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
1. Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 1 LaunchPad
Document 1-1: THOMAS HARIOT, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588)
Quiz for Document 1-1 LaunchPad
Document 1-2: De Soto Encounters Incans in Peru ARTIST UNKNOWN (SPANISH SCHOOL), Construction of the First Christian Church in San Miguel de Piura, and the Battle of Hernando de Soto with the Indians (1726)
Quiz for Document 1-2 LaunchPad
Document 1-3: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, Journal of the First Voyage (1492)
Quiz for Document 1-3 LaunchPad
Document 1-4: BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS, A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies (1552)
Quiz for Document 1-4 LaunchPad
Document 1-5: COUNCIL OF HUEJOTZINGO, Letter to the King of Spain (1560)
Quiz for Document 1-5 LaunchPad
Document 1-6: BROTHER LUIS BRANDAON, Letter to Father Sandoval (1610)
Quiz for Document 1-6 LaunchPad
2. American Experiments, 1521–1700
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
Spain’s Tribute Colonies
A New American World
The Columbian Exchange
The Protestant Challenge to Spain
Plantation Colonies
Brazil’s Sugar Plantations
England’s Tobacco Colonies
The Caribbean Islands
Plantation Life
Neo-European Colonies
New France
New Netherland
The Rise of the Iroquois
New England
Instability, War, and Rebellion
Native American Resistance
Bacon’s Rebellion
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Plantation Colonies Versus Neo-Europes LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Who Was Pocahontas? LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations What Role Did Climate Play in American Colonization? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices Susanna Martin, Accused Witch LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 2 LaunchPad
Document 2-1: Testimony of Acoma Indians (1599)
Quiz for Document 2-1 LaunchPad
Document 2-2: JOHN WINTHROP, A Model of Christian Charity (1630)
Quiz for Document 2-2 LaunchPad
Document 2-3: CARELl ALLARD, English Quakers Planting Tobacco on Barbados (1680)
Quiz for Document 2-3 LaunchPad
Document 2-4: Maryland Act of Religious Toleration (1649)
Quiz for Document 2-4 LaunchPad
Document 2-5: EDMUND WHITE, Letter to Joseph Morton (1687)
Quiz for Document 2-5 LaunchPad
Document 2-6: REV. FATHER LOUIS CELLOT, Letter to Father François Le Mercier (1656)
Quiz for Document 2-6 LaunchPad
Part 2: British North America and the Atlantic World, 1607–1763
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Part 2 LaunchPad
Document P2-1: OLAUDAH EQUIANO, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself (1794)
Quiz for Document P2-1 LaunchPad
Document P2-2: Letter from Christen Janzen to His Family (1711)
Quiz for Document P2-2 LaunchPad
Document P2-3: The Vain Prodigal Life and Tragical Penitent Death of Thomas Hellier (1680)
Quiz for Document P2-3 LaunchPad
Document P2-4 : GREGOIRE HURET, The Death of Some Jesuit Fathers in Nouvelle-France (1664)
Quiz for Document P2-4 LaunchPad
Document P2-5: Journal of James Kenny (1761–1763)
Quiz for Document P2-5 LaunchPad
3. The British Atlantic World, 1607–1750
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
Colonies to Empire, 1607–1713
Self-Governing Colonies and New Elites, 1607–1660
The Restoration Colonies and Imperial Expansion
From Mercantilism to Imperial Dominion
The Glorious Revolution in England and America
Imperial Wars and Native Peoples
Indian Goals
The Imperial Slave Economy
The South Atlantic System
Africa, Africans, and the Slave Trade
Slavery in the Chesapeake and South Carolina
An African American Community Emerges
The Rise of the Southern Gentry
The Northern Maritime Economy
The Urban Economy
Urban Society
The New Politics of Empire, 1713–1750
The Rise of Colonial Assemblies
Salutary Neglect
Protecting the Mercantile System
Mercantilism and the American Colonies
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Olaudah Equiano: The Brutal "Middle Passage" LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Servitude and Slavery LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Why Did Americans Adopt Slavery? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices Native Americans and European Empires LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 3 LaunchPad
Document 3-1: At the Town-House in Boston: April 18th, 1689. A Letter to Sir Edmond Andros Knight (1689)
Quiz for Document 3-1 LaunchPad
Document 3-2: CANASSATEGO, Papers Relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New York (1742)
Quiz for Document 3-2 LaunchPad
Document 3-3: THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA, An Act for Suppressing Outlying Slaves (1691)
Quiz for Document 3-3 LaunchPad
Document 3-4: WILLIAM BYRD II, Diary Entries (1709–1712)
Quiz for Document 3-4 LaunchPad
Document 3-5: JOHN BARNARD, The Autobiography of the Rev. John Barnard (1766)
Quiz for Document 3-5 LaunchPad
Document 3-6: LORD CORNBURY, Letter to the Lords of Trade (1704)
Quiz for Document 3-6 LaunchPad
4. Growth, Diversity, and Conflict, 1720–1763
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
New England’s Freehold Society
Farm Families: Women in the Household Economy
Farm Property: Inheritance
Freehold Society in Crisis
Diversity in the Middle Colonies
Economic Growth, Opportunity, and Conflict
Cultural Diversity
Religion and Politics
Commerce, Culture, and Identity
Transportation and the Print Revolution
The Enlightenment in America
American Pietism and the Great Awakening
Religious Upheaval in the North
Social and Religious Conflict in the South
The Midcentury Challenge: War, Trade, and Social Conflict, 1750–1765
The French and Indian War
The Great War for Empire
British Industrial Growth and the Consumer Revolution
The Struggle for Land in the East
Western Rebels and Regulators
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Transatlantic Migration, 1500–1760 LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Women’s Labor LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Did Diversity Lead to Toleration? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices Evangelical Religion and Enlightenment Rationalism LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 4 LaunchPad
Document 4-1: Benjamin Franklin’s Experiments with Electricity (Turned into an 18th Century Parlor Game) (c. 18th century)
Quiz for Document 4-1 LaunchPad
Document 4-2: SARAH OSBORN, Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn (1814)
Quiz for Document 4-2 LaunchPad
Document 4-3: CHARLES WOODMASON, Journal (1766–1768)
Quiz for Document 4-3 LaunchPad
Document 4-4: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Albany Plan of Union (1754)
Quiz for Document 4-4 LaunchPad
Document 4-5: State of the British and French Colonies in North America (1755)
Quiz for Document 4-5 LaunchPad
Document 4-6: Petition from the Inhabitants of Orange County, North Carolina (1770)
Quiz for Document 4-6 LaunchPad
Part 3: Revolution and Republican Culture, 1754–1800
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Part 3 LaunchPad
Document P3-1: RICHARD ALLEN, Eulogy for Washington (1799)
Quiz for Document P3-1 LaunchPad
Document P3-2: J. HECTOR ST. JOHN DE CRÈVECOEUR, Letters from an American Farmer (1782)
Quiz for Document P3-2 LaunchPad
Document P3-3: JUDITH SARGENT MURRAY, On the Equality of the Sexes (1790)
Quiz for Document P3-3 LaunchPad
Document P3-4: George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)
Quiz for Document P3-4 LaunchPad
Document P3-5: EDWARD SAVAGE, Liberty. In the Form of the Goddess of Youth, Giving Support to the Bald Eagle (1796)
Quiz for Document P3-5 LaunchPad
5. The Problem of Empire, 1754–1776
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
An Empire Transformed
The Costs of Empire
George Grenville and the Reform Impulse
An Open Challenge: The Stamp Act
The Dynamics of Rebellion, 1765–1770
Formal Protests and the Politics of the Crowd
The Ideological Roots of Resistance
Another Kind of Freedom
Parliament and Patriots Square Off Again
The Problem of the West
Parliament Wavers
The Road to Independence, 1771–1776
A Compromise Repudiated
The Continental Congress Responds
The Rising of the Countryside
Loyalists and Neutrals
Violence East and West
Lord Dunmore’s War
Armed Resistance in Massachusetts
The Second Continental Congress Organizes for War
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
Independence Declared
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Britain’s Atlantic and Asian Empires LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Beyond the Proclamation Line LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Did British Administrators Try to Protect or Exploit Native Americans? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices The Debate over Representation and Sovereignty LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 5 LaunchPad
Document 5-1: RICHARD BLAND, Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies (1766)
Quiz for Document 5-1 LaunchPad
Document 5-2: STAMP ACT CONGRESS, Declaration of Rights (1765)
Quiz for Document 5-2 LaunchPad
Document 5-3: PETER OLIVER, Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion (1781)
Quiz for Document 5-3 LaunchPad
Document 5-4: A Protest by the Worcester, Massachusetts, Selectmen (1774)
Quiz for Document 5-4 LaunchPad
Document 5-5: THOMAS HUTCHINSON, Letter to Thomas Whately (1769)
Quiz for Document 5-5 LaunchPad
Document 5-6: THOMAS PAINE, Common Sense (1776)
Quiz for Document 5-6 LaunchPad
6. Making War and Republican Governments, 1776–1789
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Trials of War, 1776–1778
War in the North
Armies and Strategies
Victory at Saratoga
The Perils of War
Financial Crisis
Valley Forge
The Path to Victory, 1778–1783
The French Alliance
War in the South
The Patriot Advantage
Diplomatic Triumph
Creating Republican Institutions, 1776–1787
The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy?
Women Seek a Public Voice
The War’s Losers: Loyalists, Native Americans, and Slaves
The Articles of Confederation
Shays’s Rebellion
The Constitution of 1787
The Rise of a Nationalist Faction
The Philadelphia Convention
The People Debate Ratification
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context China’s Growing Empire LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian The Black Soldier’s Dilemma LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Was the Constitution Necessary? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices The First National Debate over Slavery LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 6 LaunchPad
Document 6-1: Instructions to the Delegates from Mecklenburg to the Provincial Congress at Halifax in November (1776)
Quiz for Document 6-1 LaunchPad
Document 6-2: ABIGAIL AND JOHN ADAMS, Correspondence (1776)
Quiz for Document 6-2 LaunchPad
Document 6-3: PRINCE HALL, Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Council and the House of Representatives (1777)
Quiz for Document 6-3 LaunchPad
Document 6-4: JAMES PEALE, General George Washington at Yorktown (c. 1782)
Quiz for Document 6-4 LaunchPad
Document 6-5: DANIEL GRAY, Address to the People of Several Towns (1786)
Quiz for Document 6-5 LaunchPad
Document 6-6: JAMES MADISON, Federalist No. 10 and Federalist No. 51 (1787)
Quiz for Document 6-6 LaunchPad
7. Hammering Out a Federal Republic, 1787–1820
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Political Crisis of the 1790s
The Federalists Implement the Constitution
Hamilton’s Financial Program
Jefferson’s Agrarian Vision
The French Revolution Divides Americans
The Rise of Political Parties
A Republican Empire Is Born
Sham Treaties and Indian Lands
Migration and the Changing Farm Economy
The Jefferson Presidency
Jefferson and the West
The War of 1812 and the Transformation of Politics
Conflict in the Atlantic and the West
The War of 1812
The Federalist Legacy
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context The Haitian Revolution and the Problem of Race LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian The Social Life of Alcohol LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Did Hamilton’s Economic System Endanger the Legacy of the Revolution? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices Factional Politics and the War of 1812 LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 7 LaunchPad
Document 7-1: ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Letter to Edward Carrington (1792)
Quiz for Document 7-1 LaunchPad
Document 7-2: THOMAS JEFFERSON, Notes on the State of Virginia (1781)
Quiz for Document 7-2 LaunchPad
Document 7-3: THE PROVIDENTIAL DETECTION (c. 1790s)
Quiz for Document 7-3 LaunchPad
Document 7-4: THE PANOPLIST AND MISSIONARY HERALD, Retrograde Movement of National Character (1818)
Quiz for Document 7-4 LaunchPad
Document 7-5: TECUMSEH, "Sleep Not Longer, O’ Choctaws and Chickasaws" (1811)
Quiz for Document 7-5 LaunchPad
Document 7-6: Report of the Hartford Convention (1815)
Quiz for Document 7-6 LaunchPad
Part 4: Overlapping Revolutions, 1800–1848
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Part 4 LaunchPad
Document P4-1: Process of Excavation, Erie Canal, Lockport (c. 1820s)
Quiz for Document P4-1 LaunchPad
Document P4-2: JOSEPH STORY, Address Delivered on the Dedication of the Cemetery at Mount Auburn (1831)
Quiz for Document P4-2 LaunchPad
Document P4-3: EMMELINE B. WELLS, Diary (1846)
Quiz for Document P4-3 LaunchPad
Document P4-4: GEORGE CAITLIN, Letters and Notes (1841) and Wi-jun-jon, Pigeon’s Egg Head (The Light) Going to and Returning from Washington (c. 1837-1839)
Quiz for Document P4-4 LaunchPad
Document P4-5: ALBERT BRISBANE, A Concise Exposition of the Doctrine of Association (1843)
Quiz for Document P4-5 LaunchPad
8. Economic Transformations, 1800–1848
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
Foundations of a New Economic Order
Credit and Banking
Transportation and the Market Revolution
The Cotton Complex: Northern Industry and Southern Agriculture
The American Industrial Revolution
Origins of the Cotton South
The Cotton Boom and Slavery
Technological Innovation and Labor
The Spread of Innovation
Wageworkers and the Labor Movement
The Growth of Cities and Towns
New Social Classes and Cultures
Planters, Yeomen, and Slaves
The Northern Business Elite
The Middle Class
Urban Workers and the Poor
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context The Fate of the American and Indian Textile Industries LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian The Entrepreneur and the Community LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Did the Market Revolution Expand Opportunities for Women? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices The Debate over Free and Slave Labor LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 8 LaunchPad
Document 8-1: J. HILL, Junction of Erie and Northern Canal (c. 1830–1832)
Quiz for Document 8-1 LaunchPad
Document 8-2: THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Home Influence (1813)
Quiz for Document 8-2 LaunchPad
Document 8-3: LUCY LARCOM, Among Lowell Mill-Girls: A Reminiscence (1881)
Quiz for Document 8-3 LaunchPad
Document 8-4: Ethan Andrews, Slavery and the Domestic Slave-Trade (1836)
Quiz for Document 8-4 LaunchPad
Document 8-5: Ely moore, Address Delivered Before the General Trades’ Union of the City of New-York (1833)
Quiz for Document 8-5 LaunchPad
9. A Democratic Revolution, 1800–1848
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Rise of Popular Politics
The Decline of the Notables and the Rise of Parties
Racial Exclusion and Republican Motherhood
The Missouri Crisis, 1819–1821
The Election of 1824
The Last Notable President: John Quincy Adams
"The Democracy" and the Election of 1828
Jackson in Power, 1829–1837
Jackson’s Agenda: Rotation and Decentralization
The Tariff and Nullification
The Bank War
Indian Removal
Jackson’s Impact
Class, Culture, and the Second Party System
The Whig Worldview
Labor Politics and the Depression of 1837–1843
"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Alexis de Tocqueville: Letter to Louis de Kergorlay, June 29, 1831 LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Becoming Literate: Public Education and Democracy LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Was Indian Removal Humanitarian or Racist? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices The Character and Goals of Andrew Jackson LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 9 LaunchPad
Document 9-1: MARTIN VAN BUREN, The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren (1854)
Quiz for Document 9-1 LaunchPad
Document 9-2: FITZWILLIAM BYRDSALL, The History of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights Party (1842)
Quiz for Document 9-2 LaunchPad
Document 9-3: ANDREW JACKSON, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States (1832)
Quiz for Document 9-3 LaunchPad
Document 9-4: Henry Clay, Speech on the Presidential Election (1840)
Quiz for Document 9-4 LaunchPad
Document 9-5: Capitol Fashions for 1837 (1837)
Quiz for Document 9-5 LaunchPad
Document 9-6: CHEROKEE WOMEN, Petition (1821 [1831?])
Quiz for Document 9-6 LaunchPad
10. Religion, Reform, and Culture, 1820–1848
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
Spiritual Awakenings
The Second Great Awakening
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcendentalism
Utopian Experiments
Urban Cultures and Conflicts
Sex in the City
Popular Fiction and the Penny Press
Urban Entertainments
African Americans and the Struggle for Freedom
Free Black Communities, North and South
The Rise of Abolitionism
The Women’s Rights Movement
Origins of the Women’s Rights Movement
From Antislavery to Seneca Falls
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Women’s Rights in France and the United States, 1848 LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Dance and Social Identity in Antebellum America LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations What Motivated Antebellum Reformers? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices Saving the Nation from Drink LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 10 LaunchPad
Document 10-1: MARGARET FULLER, Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845)
Quiz for Document 10-1 LaunchPad
Document 10-2: JOSEPH SMITH, History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet (c. 1830s)
Quiz for Document 10-2 LaunchPad
Document 10-3: Advertisement for the American Museum (1845)
Quiz for Document 10-3 LaunchPad
Document 10-4: SARAH GRIMKÉ, Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Woman (1837)
Quiz for Document 10-4 LaunchPad
Document 10-5: DAVID WALKER, Preamble to Walker’s Appeal in Four Articles (1830)
Quiz for Document 10-5 LaunchPad
Document 10-6: CALVIN COLTON, Abolition a Sedition (1839)
Quiz for Document 10-6 LaunchPad
11. Imperial Ambitions, 1820–1848
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Expanding South
Planters, Small Freeholders, and Poor Freemen
The Settlement of Texas
The Politics of Democracy
The African American World
Evangelical Black Protestantism
Forging Families and Communities
Negotiating Rights
Manifest Destiny, North and South
The Push to the Pacific
The Plains Indians
The Fateful Election of 1844
The U.S.-Mexico War, 1846–1848
The "War of a Thousand Deserts"
Polk’s Expansionist Program
American Military Successes
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Financing War LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Childhood in Black and White LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations What Explains American Enthusiasm for Manifest Destiny? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices The U.S.-Mexico War: Expansion and Slavery LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 11 LaunchPad
Document 11-1: SUSAN DABNEY SMEDES, Memorials of a Southern Planter (1887)
Quiz for Document 11-1 LaunchPad
Document 11-2: Slave Songs of the United States (1867) and Slaves Dance to Their Own Music on a Southern Plantation (c. 1852)
Quiz for Document 11-2 LaunchPad
Document 11-3: LANSFORD HASTINGS, The Emigrant’s Guide to Oregon and California (1845)
Quiz for Document 11-3 LaunchPad
Document 11-4: JOHN D. SLOAT, To the Inhabitants of California (1846) and GENERAL FRANCISCO MEJIA, A Proclamation at Matamoros (1846)
Quiz for Document 11-4 LaunchPad
Document 11-5: Richard Doyle, The Land of Liberty (1847)
Quiz for Document 11-5 LaunchPad
Part 5: Consolidating a Continental Union, 1844–1877
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Part 5 LaunchPad
Document P5-1: ELIZABETH CADY STANTON, Declaration of Rights and Sentiments (1848)
Quiz for Document P5-1 LaunchPad
Document P5-2: STATUTES OF CALIFORNIA, An Act for the Government and Protection of Indians (1850)
Quiz for Document P5-2 LaunchPad
Document P5-3: SAMUEL F. B. MORSE, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (1855)
Quiz for Document P5-3 LaunchPad
Document P5-4: ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Cooper Union Address (1860)
Quiz for Document P5-4 LaunchPad
Document P5-5: ALEXANDER STEPHENS, "Cornerstone" Speech (1861)
Quiz for Document P5-5 LaunchPad
Document P5-6: THOMAS NAST, "This is a White Man’s Government" (1868)
Quiz for Document P5-6 LaunchPad
12. Sectional Conflict and Crisis, 1844–1860
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
A Divisive War, 1844–1850
"Free Soil" in Politics
California Gold and Racial Warfare
1850: Crisis and Compromise
The End of the Second Party System, 1850–1858
The Abolitionist Movement Grows
The Whig Party’s Demise
Immigrants and Know-Nothings
The West and the Fate of the Union
Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Triumph, 1858–1860
Lincoln’s Political Career
The Union Under Siege
The Election of 1860
Secession Winter, 1860–1861
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context The Gold Rush: California and Australia LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian The Irish in America LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations Did Slavery Have a Future in the West? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices To Secede or Not to Secede? LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 12 LaunchPad
Document 12-1: Susan Shelby Magoffin, Diary (1846)
Quiz for Document 12-1 LaunchPad
Document 12-2: John l. Magee, Forcing Slavery Down the Throat of a Freesoiler (1856)
Quiz for Document 12-2 LaunchPad
Document 12-3: JOHN C. CALHOUN, Speech on the Slavery Question (1850)
Quiz for Document 12-3 LaunchPad
Document 12-4: CHARLES SUMNER, The Crime of Kansas (1856)
Quiz for Document 12-4 LaunchPad
Document 12-5: Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
Quiz for Document 12-5 LaunchPad
Document 12-6: KEZIAH GOODWIN HOPKINS BREVARD, Diary (1860–1861)
Quiz for Document 12-6 LaunchPad
13. Bloody Ground: The Civil War, 1861–1865
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The War Begins, 1861–1862
Early Expectations
Campaigns East and West
Antietam and Its Consequences
Toward "Hard War," 1863
Politics North and South
The Impact of Emancipation
Citizens and the Work of War
Vicksburg and Gettysburg
The Road to Union Victory, 1864–1865
Grant and Sherman Take Command
The Election of 1864 and Sherman’s March
The Confederacy Collapses
The World the War Made
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context War Debt: Britain and the United States, 1830–1900 LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Military Deaths — and Lives Saved — During the Civil War LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations How Divided Was the Confederate Public? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices These Honored Dead LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 13 LaunchPad
Document 13-1: Sowing and Reaping (1863)
Quiz for Document 13-1 LaunchPad
Document 13-2: Ambrose Bierce, What I Saw of Shiloh (1881)
Quiz for Document 13-2 LaunchPad
Document 13-3: CORNELIA HANCOCK, Letters of a Civil War Nurse (1863)
Quiz for Document 13-3 LaunchPad
Document 13-4: ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Emancipation Proclamation (1863) and JEFFERSON DAVIS, President’s Message (1863)
Quiz for Document 13-4 LaunchPad
Document 13-5: HARRY SMITH, Fifty Years of Slavery (1891)
Quiz for Document 13-5 LaunchPad
Document 13-6: WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, Special Field Order No. 15 (1865)
Quiz for Document 13-6 LaunchPad
14. Reconstruction, 1865–1877
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Struggle for National Reconstruction
Presidential Approaches: From Lincoln to Johnson
Congress Versus the President
Radical Reconstruction
Women’s Rights Denied
The Meaning of Freedom
The Quest for Land
Republican Governments in the South
Building Black Communities
The Undoing of Reconstruction
The Republicans Unravel
Counterrevolution in the South
Reconstruction Rolled Back
The Political Crisis of 1877
Lasting Legacies
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context Labor Laws After Emancipation: Haiti and the United States LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian The South’s "Lost Cause" LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations How Free Were Freedwomen in Reconstruction? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices The Impact of Terror LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 14 LaunchPad
Document 14-1: ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Last Public Address (1865)
Quiz for Document 14-1 LaunchPad
Document 14-2: BETTY POWERS, Federal Writers’ Project Interview (c. 1936)
Quiz for Document 14-2 LaunchPad
Document 14-3: FRANCES BUTLER LEIGH, Letter to a Friend in England (1867)
Quiz for Document 14-3 LaunchPad
Document 14-4: CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS JR., The Protection of the Ballot in National Elections (1869)
Quiz for Document 14-4 LaunchPad
Document 14-5: THOMAS NAST, Colored Rule in a Reconstructed State (1874)
Quiz for Document 14-5 LaunchPad
Document 14-6: ROBERT BROWNE ELLIOTT, Speech to Congress (1874)
Quiz for Document 14-6 LaunchPad
15. Conquering a Continent, 1860–1890
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
The Republican Vision
The New Union and the World
Integrating the National Economy
Incorporating the West
Mining Empires
Cattlemen on the Plains
The First National Park
A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed
The Civil War and Indians on the Plains
Grant’s Peace Policy
The End of Armed Resistance
Strategies of Survival
Western Myths and Realities
Chapter Review
LearningCurve LaunchPad
America in Global Context The Santa Fe Railroad in Mexico and the United States LaunchPad
Quiz for America in Global Context LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian Representing Indians LaunchPad
Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian LaunchPad
Interpretations What Factors Motivated America’s Indian Policies? LaunchPad
Quiz for Interpretations LaunchPad
Analyzing Voices Women’s Rights in the West LaunchPad
Quiz for Analyzing Voices LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Sources for America’s History, Chapter 15 LaunchPad
Document 15-1: Indian Territory, That Garden of the World (c. 1880)
Quiz for Document 15-1 LaunchPad
Document 15-2: CURRIER & IVES, Across the Continent (1868)
Quiz for Document 15-2 LaunchPad
Document 15-3: J. WRIGHT MOOAR, Buffalo Days (1933)
Quiz for Document 15-3 LaunchPad
Document 15-4: FRANCIS A. WALKER, Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1872)
Quiz for Document 15-4 LaunchPad
Document 15-5: MOURNING DOVE, A Salishan Autobiography (1990)
Quiz for Document 15-5 LaunchPad